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Open Telegram

🇵🇸 Rahmaatism | رحمتیسم 🇮🇷

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To enable this go to Settings and choose “Privacy and Security” from the list. Next, tap on “Passcode Lock” under the Security heading, then set your password lock on! Thank You In fact, Telegram supports verifiable builds that allow outside developers to check whether the code published on GitHub is the exact same code that is used to create the app, which you have downloaded from Google Play or App Store.

If you like to customize your favorite chats, there is a good chance that you would appreciate custom sounds. What makes it so handy is the ability to let you set any short audio clip from a chat as a notification sound. It will make it a bit more convenient for you to identify the alerts from a specific Telegram chat. Keep in mind that the audio clip must be less than 5 seconds and up to 300KB in size. To adjust the theme, go to Settings > Chat Settings on Android, or Settings > Appearance on iOS. Here you can change the text size, bubble colors, night mode settings, and similar options. Choose Chat Background to set a new wallpaper for your groups. Drafts To create a poll in a channel or group, simply select the “Poll” option in the attachment menu. Type in your question, add answer options and choose the configurations that fit your purpose best.

Telegram Privacy Options To create one of these, go to Settings or a Chat Info page, click Edit > click the Profile Picture > select Sticker or Emoji. \Telegram Enable Proxy Sent a picture without adding your usual filter or marking the text you wanted to highlight? Sent the wrong picture altogether? Telegram can help you out. The app allows users to edit photos and even replace them after you have sent it.

Change Phone Numbers 1b Just press and hold on the message you want to change and then tap the “edit” button. From there, you can modify the message and resend it. Telegram will put an “edited” label on the message to let recipients know of the update.

🇵🇸 Rahmaatism | رحمتیسم 🇮🇷 us

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